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Could Your Worry Free, Time & Financial Easy
Mornings Just Be a Headline Away?
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From the desk of:
Your Name
Dear Friend,

This is about you.

Listen. Have you heard of marketing legend Ted Nicholas?

He's a guy who spent over $100 million dollars over the years testing every aspect of copy in his campaigns.

So, I was in my room one day, browsing the internet as usual, when I came across something he said that blew my mind away. I think it's important I share this to you now.

He said...

“The headline is 90 percent
responsible for the success
of any piece copy.”

In my dumb translation, this simply means...

"Screw with your headline, and you've
BURNED 90% of your marketing
money, time, and effort with it."

So, as a gesture of goodwill & service... let me get 'my intention' across fast and simple:

By the end of this module, you’ll be able to write (at your command – almost anytime, anywhere) powerful neck and result grabbing headlines...

... based on scientifically proven psychology and principles...

... easier, faster, and better...

... even if you’ve been afraid of writing for the purpose of marketing or persuasion before.

Put it this way:

If you’re honest that you could discover a thing or two more about writing electrifying headlines (that does what it’s supposed to do)...
So that you have higher chances to create profitable marketing campaigns...
Ads that win you MORE TIME for the things you love...
Ads that move people forward...

So you live a more fulfilling and meaningful time on earth...
With the freedom and control that you've always wanted...
...starting from whatever level you have now...’d be picking up some advertising (a.k.a. “Ad”) boosting gems from this itsy-bitsy module.

It’s midnight and I actually feel like the low temperature is reaching my bones.

But the message I have for you is important, so, what the heck.


Let's start by laying the grounds that could change your life forever...
Even the Masters
Say It's a Fact...
You see, the simple truth is --- headlines can make you or break you.

And that's inescapable.

Here's Where the Problems Lie...
It's not always easy to create a headline.

Especially for someone who's just starting out with "ad creation".

Even for the veterans, there's just too many options out there --- too many 'types' of headlines.

And like they say, sometimes, having too much options leads to 'analysis paralysis'.

Now, you may say...

Why not use 'headline creation' software instead?

I just feel that simply relying on software every time you need a headline is not so smart.

Take away the software and what happens to your Ad – it gets stuck.

I don’t know but that’s just the way it is --- there are some people who let technology (more specifically the absence of it) become their reason for not finishing a project.

You may also ask...

Why not use headline swipe files instead?

Well sure, this is a good method... but there are still some problems from relying on your heavy collection of swipe files.

First, it takes a lot of time to go through a load of swipe files. And what if you’re like me, a traveling kinda’ dude who can’t carry swipe files everywhere... just not practical, right?

Plus... it takes a while TO actually have your own collection of swipe files --- and TO actually get 'familiar' with them (so you know 'where' to find 'what').

If you're just starting out, or if time is not on your side... using swipe files just won't cut it.

But still, you may ask...

Why not just write 100 random headlines?

First of all, this is really a good idea. But a little reality check... honestly – when was the last time you had the luxury of “time, energy & will” to actually do this?

Writing one hundred headlines (even if you have swipe files lying naked in front of you) is a very tough and time consuming feat...

...especially if you’re just starting out with the art of salesmanship in print.

A lot of entrepreneurs say that part of their success is due to action. And they also say that 'money likes speed'.

So, it makes sense to have a 'narrower' route to SET things in motion.

That's why today, I'm going to introduce to you a simple system I call...
Brace Yourself...
Because being an initiate of “Headline Swiss-Knife Method” is like...

"Switching your understanding and ability
to write headlines from black and white television
to a full-colored HD TV."

You’ll see the psychology behind the headlines top-gun copywriters use.

You’ll have a stable ground to safely say that your headline is calculatedly assumed to work.

You’ll have a feel of what makes a headline work, or not work.

All these so you actually have higher chances to get results from your ads... you get your return of investments... you relish your business because it makes positive growth...

...and you enjoy living the life you want because you gain freedom from marketing that's designed to do well.

I know... amazing right?

So, during your marketing escapades, you’ll find yourself decoding different Ad headlines...

...cracking headlines as if it was second nature to you.

You see what makes headlines rock or suck right through the blinds.

You have a feel if a material is worth grabbing and adding to your swipe file... or if it’s just fluff ‘n junk to be left alone.

You have a clear idea if your headlines have covered the essential elements to make it work...

...even by principle at first - because that’s where every marketing material starts... prospect attracted - zero customer served – zero product sold...

...even marketing materials that have turned into cult totems (like Gary Halbert’s “Coat of Arms Letter” and Martin Conroy’s “Famous Wall Street Journal Sales Letter”).

By implementing 'Headline Swiss-Knife Method', one good thing is certain...

Your Ads will be sitting under stable marketing principles.

And why does this matter to you? Simple:

So you end stress, anxiety, uncertainty and unnecessary lost time & money in your business overall.

Just to slay the big pink elephant in the room – NO, it’s not me who came up with these principles.

They simply have been proven to exist.

They’re just there.

What I’m just doing here is give you an organized system of going through these killer headline principles as fast and efficiently as possible...
The Solution
to Your Conversion Issues...
Create Headlines Like PROs with the Most Powerful Headline Creation System
Headline Swiss-Knife Method
Easy to understand and remember system
Tried and proven blueprint
Newbie friendly delivery
Useful even for experienced 'advertising person'
NEW method of teaching headlines you've never seen before
Here's What You'll Discover
Section I
This section covers your bases. From what benefits you get from powerful headlines, to who says what about the subject. You're also introduced to a metaphor that makes diving into the heart and soul of a winning headline a refreshing ride. And of course, a real good meaning course wouldn't be complete without giving you tips on how to make the technique work for you... so we've included this in Section I too. All so you can save time and energy going thru the materials, so that the principles you encounter become fun and easy to remember.
Intro & Undeniable Importance of Headlines to You
Headline as Your Complete Dish & Elevator Pitch
How to Make Headline Swiss-Knife Method Work for You
Section II
This section is the actual meat of the course. You are taken by the hand into the world of the eight 'unique' ingredients that make up electrifying headlines. Starting from the revolutionary "FLR" that captures the essence of "what a persons is actually going to buy from you"... up to the mysterious "Poker Joker" that comes in and out of the game. The names may sound "blind" or "puzzling" if you're taking a view from the outside, but once you become a Headline Swiss-Knife Method initiate, you'll switch from looking at headlines thru "black & white" television to high definition colored TVs.
VID 10
VID 11
Ingredient One – "FLR"
Ingredient Two – "TEM Triggers"
Ingredient Three – "Packaging"
Ingredient Four - "Kicker"
Ingredient Five – "Action Star"
Ingredient Six – "Security Blanket"
Ingredient Seven – "TLI"
Ingredient Eight – "Poker Joker"
We want to give you a REAL irresistible offer, so we came up with this super package, so...
Here's What You're Getting
COMPONENT 1 - $ 67 Value
11 Videos
Videos are great medium of instruction.

We've spliced the videos into easy to digest chunks, and laid them out on a clean looking members' page... so going thru them becomes easy breezy. There are eleven videos in all, over 60mins total playing time.

They're also downloadable so you can watch them on your own accord, even offline. Like they say, all you have to do is sit back, watch, and enjoy the show.
COMPONENT 2 - $ 37 Value
11 mp3 Audios
This is the complete audio version of the videos... perfect if you're someone who's on-the-go.

Again, we've spliced the audio files into easy to digest chunks... so finding where you left of becomes easier. There are eleven audio mp3 files in all, over 60mins total playing time.

They're also downloadable so you can put them in your mp3 player, burn in a CD, and listen them whenever, wherever you like, even offline.
COMPONENT 3 - $ 27 Value
Printable PDF & MSWord Files
This is the unabridged version of the entire course. You get a print ready version (in case you want to be able to hold the material in your hand).

We made sure that the formatting is of respectable quality so you have an easier time consuming the material.
COMPONENT 4 - $ 17 Value
Mind Maps
In addition to this full series, you also get a beautifully created Mind Map outlining the entire program.

This visual aid summarizing entire course gives you a bird’s eye view on the topic, so that learning is reinforced and retained.
COMPONENT 5 - $ 7 Value
Wallet Cheat Sheet
Like we've been stressing out since the beginning, retention of what you discover in this course is very important to use... because we know that is important to you. So, in addition to this full series, you also get a ready to print "cheat sheet" that you can put in your wallet.

This visual aid will give you a 'memory jog' on the topic, so that you remember the eight parts of a powerful headline with a snap of your finger.
That's a total value of $ 189 (including the bonuses below)...

...but this is just the icing on the cake.

Remember why this is important to you again...

...and really imagine what a TRUE winning headline can do for you...

...and truly picture what a REALLY BAD headline can cost you...

It's a fact.

It's been researched.

Five times more readers read just the headline compared to those who have a look at complete Ad.

So your investment in an Ad is of no use, in the event your headline isn’t good enough to win a person’s attention.

It’s possible that you may find yourself under the situation of having the content of the Ad being not that strong. All of the harm can be undone by having a powerful headline.

That's why it's a no brainer that the creation of winning headlines is not something you just dismiss --- Headline Swiss-Knife Method is here to make that task easier.

Out of all the possible solutions out there, you may be wondering...
Why Are So Many Marketers Using
Headline Swiss-Knife Method?
It's given - Headline Swiss-Knife Method sits on proven principles dating from the time of the master ads men. But what makes it exciting is how you're actually walked by the hand in acquiring this life-changing trick. It's taught in a way that 'sticks'.

Saves You Time narrowing down the parts of a head turning headline to eight. So you have a focused, systematic way of creating your headline.

Saves You Money making sure that the headlines you create sit on time tested principles, you have better chances of coming up with a winner.

Saves You Energy helping you systematize your headline creation process. There's nothing more tiring than running around clueless & aimless.

It's Fun to Use actually being shared in a 'unique & fresh' manner. So you easily remember & use the tricks introduced to you by this method.
But of course... We're not done with giving your benefits after benefits, and value after value yet.
Get your copy of Headline Swiss-Knife Method and get these free...
BONUS 1 - $ 17 Value
"Headline Quotes Collection"
You get a collection of wonderful quotes about headlines --- in high definition images and plain notepad file. Get inspired, intrigued, and amused by some of the world's best advertising masters' thoughts about the topic.
BONUS 2 - $ 17 Value
"Bonus Chapter"
This bonus chapter just does what it says on the title --- it gives you "10 Tips to Put Headline Swiss-Knife Method on Steroids". You can easily double, or triple the effectiveness of your headline by applying some of the tips mentioned in this bonus guide.
With Headline Swiss-Knife Method
You Can Create RICH Headlines on a Whim...
"Now, you can be your own headline 'hitman'. Even point the gun at us because you can start without worries..."
Try Headline Swiss-Knife Method for 60-Days Risk Free

We are so confident that you will absolutely love RHeadline Swiss-Knife Method that we are offering a full 60-Day, money-back guarantee. We take all the risk so you don’t have to…
Get Headline Swiss-Knife Method
Now for $67 Just $17
Secure Your Copy of Headline Swiss-Knife Method
and Take Control of Creating Neck Grabbing Headlines Today…
One-Time Only Payment – Includes a Personal Use License
I've done my part.

It's your turn to act now.

Click that order button and see you on the next page.
Your Name
P.S. We can't argue with Ted Nicholas. He said it --- "A headline can make you a fortune". Nuff said. Click the order button above or below this page now. Yes, now. Do yourself a favor. Start NOW.
P.P.S. You can own Headline Swiss-Knife Method, together with all the bonuses (a total value $ 189) for a mere $17.00. That is a truly incredible deal, considering the significant difference it'll make to your success. You will be hard-pressed to find a more valuable resource. Click the order button above or below this page now.
P.P.P.S. Like I've said above --- Put it this way: If you’re honest that you could discover a thing or two more about writing electrifying headlines (that does what it’s supposed to do)... So that you have higher chances to create profitable marketing campaigns... Ads that win you MORE TIME for the things you love... Ads that move people forward... So you live a more fulfilling and meaningful time on earth... With the freedom and control that you've always wanted... starting from whatever level you have now... you’d be picking up some advertising (a.k.a. “Ad”) boosting gems from Headline Swiss-Knife Method. So click the order button above or below this page now. I dare you... sweetly :)
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

How do you get your product after purchase?
Upon purchase, you will be redirected to a download page or members only page where you can access your product. You can watch the videos there or download everything for you leisurely consumption.

How much are you saving by purchasing today?
This product is regularly sold for $37. If you purchase today, you are saving $20. But again, if you purchase today.

Is this a push button, get rich quick solution?
Heck no! Like the saying goes "A sword is only as good, or as evil, as its user. In good hands it defends the helpless and brings justice. In evil hands it leaves a swath of despair and suffering. The same goes for..." --- well you get the idea. But know that we've done our best to give you real value in this product.

Why is this so inexpensive?
Don't be deceived because this product is priced way too low. For the amount of time, money and effort this could save you, this product could easily sell for $ 47... or even $ 67, heck maybe even more. But it's just that, like I said way, way above... as a sign of goodwill (and it's 'digital' anway), let's let this important course be made available to you for $ 17.00 only.
Copyright 2015 | Headline Swiss-Knife Method | All Rights Reserved
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