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Dear Friend

Ever been faced with this scenario? You had a brilliant idea in the middle of the night (or day) and you made frantic notes, did your research and found that there was a need and space in the market for your brand new product. You then set about creating the product (maybe spending days, weeks, even months) putting together a surely awesome package of content and information to share with the world.

After a frantic few hours of uploading and tweaking, your site was online, ready for the world to see, love and purchase from and all you had to do now was sit back and watch as the cash rolled in to your PayPal account. Trouble was, after the first few hours, which turned into the first few days, you thought there may of been a glitch and your site was not online correctly. You pick up the phone to a good friend and give them your URL.

They turned on, logged in and opened up their browser and entered in your web address. "Wow, that's a really cool looking site" came back the voice on the phone. "When did you get that set up?"

Where has all My Traffic Gone?

Your very good friend talks you through how to log in to cPanel and check all those traffic stats. To your sheer amazement, there is but a trickle of page views (mostly from you and your family).

The absolute truth is that you may well have created the BEST PRODUCT on the Planet in your Niche, and your copy may scorch the page(s) with HOT BUY NOW call to actions, but without the lifeblood of traffic, you may as well of stuck up a COMING SOON, site in construction page.



Easy Traffic Videos - The Course for Setting up your own FREE Traffic System!

How would you like an extra 20 Unique Visitors per day? Perhaps 50, 150, 1000? With our in-depth traffic guide, we introduce you to the FREE traffic streams that can build your business from scratch.

Imagine putting in place a process of traffic that you simply cannot switch off? Visitors from across the globe and from various traffic sources!

Would you be happy to open up your Stats Pages if that were the case?

Of Course you would... Read on to find out how you can access this course right now, today, and build your business.

Click Here to Watch the Videos

Were you any good at Math in School?

If you were or you were not, it matters not :) All you need to know is that Traffic built in the correct way equals payment in your bank account. Let's explore a few numbers quickly.

Imagine if you could only build a small traffic trickle to begin with, and from that process, you achieved 326 new unique Visitors to your site each day. With a reasonable conversion on your FREE OFFER, you get 18% of those people to opt in to your list and then 9% of those purchase your first offer.

Your product sells at $30 a time, which means you just made $150 in sales revenue from your web site!

The really awesome part, is that you added 58 people to your list, and you sold 5 copies of your product. This still leaves the other 53 on your free list to build a relationship with and make sales from, later on down the road.

$150 per day is not too shabby either! With no sales on Christmas day, you still make over $50K from just one of your sites, and with only a little traffic volume.

Just a final stat for you to consider. Every Visitor to this sample traffic sum above is worth around $0.46c. That's 46 Cents per unique visitor to the site.

Now imagine that you applied more and more focus to your traffic plan and you had 2000 uniques per day across one or a few of your product sites. That's $920 per day in potential traffic value :) or over $335,000.00 per year in sales revenue.

Start Watching the Videos Today

Inside you will find a video course packed with material on various FREE traffic sources for you to tap into starting right now. Some will take a little time to build, others can be almost instant if you apply them. Included with the videos is a resource report, linking you to further training material (freely available, but we did the weeding out for you) so you have a complete understanding of how to go out and get that valuable commodity of our times. Traffic!

We also have a video Traffic Action Plan that walks you through the steps to apply and begin building your traffic. You will also discover the value in tracking your clicks, and we have even included a simple PHP script that you edit and upload to your server in just a few moments. This alone will help you learn what is working for you and what is not.

Discover Traffic Knowledge to...

Social Media, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google +1, Google Buzz, Bookmarking Sites like Digg, and Delicious and Blog Directories such as Technorati. Classified Sites, Traffic Exchanges, Forum Opportunities, Article Traffic, Blogging and Blog Carnivals, Relationship and Integration Marketing and More... All inside your Video Course.

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When you Make Your Purchase Today, you lock in your
price at just $17.00

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To your potential Success



P.S.  For every day that passes from now, its a day when you gave up making more sales from your web sites. If you apply what is taught inside your video course, you can begin to make the difference to your future lifestyle. Only you can choose to make it happen