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Here's Exactly How You Can Get At Least 25,000 (Unique) Visitors To Your Site Each And Every Month Starting Right Now...

Want to finally get high quality consistent traffic to your website that actually makes you money? Then read this report right now because I'm going to show you exactly how to finally get traffic that will make you some serious money!

Dear Friend,

Yes, I am calling this sales letter a report... :)


Because although I do want you to purchase from me, and become my customer (or a repeat customer) I am first a teacher, and my job is to educate you.

So, instead of writing a hyped up sales letter, I'd rather just provide you with useful information to help you, and if you decide what I have to offer you is a good fit for you then I know you'll jump on what I have to offer.

Yep, total transparency here... :)

So, let's get to the meat of things here... I know that your main problem is getting traffic to your website, and also getting that traffic to do what you want them to do. Be it buy your product, click a link, signup for something, etc, etc...

Am I right? If not then this page isn't going to be useful for you...

For the rest of you though I've got the keys to what you need to know to get traffic to your website that does what you need them to do. Usually that's make you money in some way.

So, I'm going to level with you here, and tell you some really harsh truths about why you're website isn't making you any money...

Either you've got a crappy looking site, a site that has no focus, or you're getting the wrong traffic. And potentially it's all three of these things!

I know that's hard to swallow, but it's the honest truth...

You've got to have a professionally looking site that focuses on getting your visitor to do one thing (buy your product or signup for your list or click on an ad, or etc, etc, etc.), and then you need traffic to that site that is actually interested in what you have to offer.

Here's that equation to help you remember...

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So, if you have a site that looks like crap or that has more than one focus, it doesn't matter how much traffic you get, you wont make much (if any at all) money.

Don't worry though... I'll tell you how to have your site looking perfect, and if you don't have a site yet, I can also tell you how to get one...

Will come back to that in just a minute...

For now though, you know the real truth here, and don't worry... I'm not going to start filling you full of a bunch of B.S. and hype about how I can get you three trillion visitors in the next 5 minutes...

I'm simply going to give you a list of traffic tactics that I have personally used, and have worked for me... Cool, eh?

Here's What Really Works When It Comes To Getting Quality Traffic To Your Site

Article writing
Ezine advertising
Website advertising
Affiliate program marketing
Recruiting affiliates
Link building
SEO (search engine optimization)
Social marketing
Forum marketing
Video marketing
Group marketing
Tribe marketing
Banner advertising
PPC advertising
Submitting press releases
Social bookmarking
Web 2.0 tactics
RSS Syndication
Webinars and Teleseminars
Viral marketing
Email marketing
Blog commenting
Directory submissions
Paid reviews

And of course there are more. Some things are related to the tactics above, so I didn't list everything. We'd be here for weeks if I did that. :)

So now I've told you what tactics work, but depending on what kind of site you have will depend on the traffic tactics that you use... It's pretty confusing eh?

I know... Until I built a ton of different sites and tried all kinds of traffic tactics on them did I find out the combinations that would allow me to get the right traffic I need, and the amount I needed of it.

I'm sure you don't want to spend years, and thousands of dollars figuring all this out though do you?

Well then how about I just show you how to do all these tactics and more, help you make your website do what it's supposed to do (be professional looking and focus on one action), and also help you create a traffic plan that will show you exactly what to do each day to get traffic to your website?

That's a lot I know, but I can help you do it when you join the My 45 Day Traffic Plan Workshop....

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Introducing My 45 Day Traffic Plan Workshop

This workshop is broken up into three modules and each module will last for 15 days. Here's what's taught in each module...

Module 1: Getting Your Traffic PhD

In this module we will cover over 100 different ways that you can use to get traffic. Yes, I said over 100 DIFFERENT ways...

Each traffic tactic will be taught via video lessons that you will be able to watch. I'll personally show you how to do the tactic. It will be like you're looking right over my shoulder. And you'll be able to watch these videos at your own pace, when, and how you want. Even as many times as you want...

You'll always have access to all the traffic lessons...

Module 2: Laying The Correct Foundation

In this module we will discuss the different types of sites that are out there, their functions, and which sites should use which tactics.

We'll cover content sites, mini-sites, sales letter sites, blogs, review sites, squeeze pages, other lead generation sites, and many, many, more...

Have a different kind of site? Don't worry... Just let me know and I'll tell you what kind of traffic your site needs.

That's what this module is all about... Having the right site, the serves the right purpose, and using the correct traffic tactics for that site! That's the key to true success with your website!

Module 3: Your Own Traffic Plan

In this module you'll be creating your very own traffic plan. You'll use what you learned in modules 2 and 3, and create a day to day plan of what traffic tactics you should use, and when.

This is the final key to getting consistent traffic, and traffic that actually makes you money.

By the time you get done with this workshop you'll have...

A professional looking website...

A website that has one focus... (sell a product, get them to click link, signup, etc)

A ready to go plan that will show you what to do each and every day to get traffic to your website...

This is ALL you need to know to take a website and have it making money for you...

Imagine What It's Going To Be Like To Get All The Traffic You Need To Make The Money You Want...

Once you go through this workshop you'll have a step-by-step plan in place so that you can drive traffic to your website each and every day!

You can even create new sites with totally different focuses, create new traffic plans, and add another income stream!

The choice is yours because you'll finally know exactly what to do...

No more will you have to chase the dreams that "they" have been selling you because you'll be making your own dreams come true!

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Are You Ready To Let Me Take You By The Hand And Help You Drive All The Traffic You Need?

By now you can see that this truly is an amazing workshop!

You're getting an entire online workshop that is going to walk you through everything you need to know step-by-step!

The entire workshop is all video based, so you'll be watching what to do instead of just being told what to do like most people do in those ebooks that they try to sell you.

You're going to be basically watching over my shoulder as I lead you down the path to success.

With this kind of help I'm sure by now you're thinking this is going to cost you an arm and a leg. :)

I mean I could easily sell this entire workshop for $997, and believe me it's worth AT LEAST that!

Of course I'm not going to charge you anywhere near that much! I mean come on, you're probably not making very much online yet, so who could afford paying $997 for this package even though it's worth every penny?

So, if I said that you could grab your INSTANT access to this workshop from me for only $197.00, I'm certain you would agree with me that this is a true bargain.

However, I really want to blow you away, and help as many people as I can succeed, so I'm going to give you a killer deal here!

Right now you can get this entire package for only $47!

Yep, I'm VERY serious...

You get it all for a one time price of just $47!

And to put my money where my mouth is, I'm going to back it up with a complete 100% guarantee...

Are You Ready To Get Started With Your Own Money Making Marketing System?

As long as you are serious about wanting to get all the traffic you need to your website, and you are willing to learn everything you need to from me then you simply cannot lose with this offer!

Whatever you do though don't delay. This workshopshop starts on January 24th, 2011 and then the price for this program will be going up to $97, so lock in the insanely low price of only $47, and get everything you need instantly!

Take action right now, make the decision to build a real business that will pay you 24/7 by clicking on the order button below...

Yes! I am ready to enroll in the My 45 Day Traffic Plan Workshop...

I understand that by taking action right now I am securing my spot, and I know the powerful tactics, techniques, and help that I'll be getting from you will allow me to finally reach my dreams!

Once I successfully complete my payment, I will receive instant access to the "virtual classroom" which is where I will be able to start learning right away...

It is on this basis that I am clicking the secure order button below and reserving my spot immediately!

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